Banner/Degreeworks Training and Documentation
Sign up for Banner and Degree Works Training
Click below to sign up for the required Banner training, Degree Works Introductory
Training or Degree Works Exceptions Training.
To prepare for your training, please fill out the following forms prior to your training
date. You do not need to fill out all the forms, just the forms related to your
training needs.
Banner access - Your supervisor will need to complete this form
Degree Works Access
Degree Works Exceptions Access
Available Training Times (All trainings are conducted through Zoom):
Banner/Degree Works Introduction Training: TBA
Degree Works Exceptions Training: TBA
Degree Works Documentation
Banner (Star)
OUR and Ellucian Documentation
- Supplemental Security Information for Banner
Banner Overview For Advisors (Banner 9)
- Introduction to Banner Power Point (Banner 9)
- Introduction to Banner Power Point (Banner 8)
- Introduction to Banner Hand Out (Banner 8)
- Getting Started Guide
- Banner Electronic Gradebook Instructions (Banner 8)
- Adding and Removing Term Pin Instructions (Banner 8)