2023 - 2024 GEF Courses
Inactive courses no longer carrying the GEF attribute beginning with the 2023-2024 academic year:
- CHEM 117: Principles of Chemistry 1
- CHEM 118: Principles of Chemistry 2
- STAT 201: Applied Statistical Modeling
- CLAS 101: Elementary Latin 1
- CLAS 102: Elementary Latin 2
- CLAS 203 Intermediate Latin 1
- CLAS 204 Intermediate Latin 2
- PORT 101: Elementary Portuguese 1
- PORT 102: Elementary Portuguese 2
- PORT 203: Intermediate Portuguese 1
- PORT 204: Intermediate Portuguese 2
- SEES 101: Introduction to Slavic and Eastern European Studies
F1. Composition and Rhetoric (3 or 6 credits)
- ENGL 101 Composition and Rhetoric & ENGL 102 Composition and Rhetoric
- ENGL 103 Accelerated Academic Writing
F2A/B. Science & Technology (4-6 credits)
Lecture Courses (F2A)
- AEM 216 Living in a Microbial World
- ANTH 252 Biological Anthropology (New Fall 2021 - Replaces SOCA 252)
- ARE 187 Energy Resource Economics
- ASTR 106 Descriptive Astronomy
- ASTR 110 Explosions in Space
- BIOL 105 Environmental Biology
- BIOL 107 Biotechnology and Society
- BIOL 108 Drugs and the Body
- CS 101 Intro to Computer Applications
- DSGN 340 Design for Energy Efficiency
- ENVP 119 Soil in the City and ENVP 119L (ENVP 119L added as a corequisite beginning Fall 2022)
- ENVP 155 Elements of Environmental Protection
- FDST 200 Food Science and Technology
- FIS 201 Introduction to Forensic Identification
- FNRS 140 West Virginia's Natural Resources (Formerly taught as FOR 140 until Fall 2022)
- GEN 101 Beginner’s Guide to Genetics
- GEOG 107 Physical Geography
- GEOL 101 Planet Earth
- GEOL 103 Earth Through Time
- GEOL 230 Fossils and Evolution
- HN&F 171 Introduction to Human Nutrition
- HONR 202A, 202B, and 202C Science and Technology (A, B, and C added to HONR 202 beginning in Fall 2022)
- PHYS 107 Physics of Music
- SUST 101: Sustainable Earth (New Fall 2023)
- SUST 207: Climate System Science (New Fall 2023)
- SUS 250: Digital Earth and GIS (New Fall 2023)
- WMAN 175 Introduction to Wildlife and Fisheries and WMAN 175L (WMAN 175L added as a corequisite beginning Fall 2022)
- WMAN 200 Restoration Ecology
Lecture/Lab Combination Courses (F2B)
- AEM 341 & AEM 341L General Microbiology and Laboratory (AEM 341L added beginning Fall 2022)
- ASTR 106 & 106L Descriptive Astronomy and Laboratory (ASTR 106L was formerly
ASTR 107)
- AVIA 150 Introduction to Meteorology (New Fall 2021 - WVU Tech Campus Only)
- BIOL 101 & BIOL 101L General Biology and Laboratory (BIOL 101L was formerly BIOL 103)
- BIOL 102 & BIOL 102L General Biology and Laboratory (BIOL 102L was formerly BIOL 104)
- BIOL 105 & BIOL 105L Environmental Biology and Laboratory (BIOL 105L was formerly BIOL 106)
- BIOL 111 General Biology (WVU Tech Campus Only)
- BIOL 112 General Biology (WVU Tech Campus Only)
- BIOL 115 Principles of Biology & BIOL 115L Principles of Biology Laboratory (BIOL 115L was formerly BIOL 116)
- BIOL 117 Introductory Physiology & BIOL 117L Introductory Physiology Laboratory
(BIOL 117L was formerly BIOL 118)
- CHEM 111 Survey of Chemistry & CHEM 111L Survey of Chemistry Laboratory
- CHEM 112 Survey of Chemistry & CHEM 112L Survey of Chemistry Laboratory
- CHEM 115 Fundamentals of Chemistry & CHEM 115 L Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory
- CHEM 116 Fundamentals of Chemistry CHEM 116L Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory
- GEOG 107 & 107L Global Climate System and Laboratory (New Fall 2022)
- GEOG 150 & GEOG 150L Digital Earth and Laboratory (GEOG 150L was formerly GEOG 149)
- GEOL 101 & GEOL 101L Planet Earth and Laboratory (GEOL 101L was formerly GEOL 102)
- GEOL 103 & GEOL 103L Earth Through Time and Laboratory (GEOL 103L was formerly GEOL 104)
- PHSC 101 Introductory Physical Science 1
- PHSC 102 Introductory Physical Science 2
- PHYS 101 & PHYS 101L Introductory Physics 1 and Laboratory (PHYS 101L added as a corequisite)
- PHYS 102 & PHYS 102L Introductory Physics 2 and Laboratory (PHYS 102L added as a corequisite)
- PHYS 105 & PHYS 105L Conceptual Physics and Laboratory (PHYS 105L added as a corequisite)
- PHYS 111 & PHYS 111L General Physics 1 and Laboratory (PHYS 111L added as a corequisite)
- PHYS 112 & PHYS 112L General Physics 2 and Laboratory (PHYS 112L added as a corequisite)
- PLSC 206 Principles of Plant Science(New Fall 2021)
- SUST 101L: Sustainable Earth Laboratory (New Fall 2023)
- SUST 207L: Climate System Science Laboratory (New Fall 2023)
- SUST 250L: Digital Earth and GIS Laboratory (New Fall 2023)
F3. Mathematics & Quantitative Reasoning (3-4 credits)
- ECON 225 Elementary Business and Economics Statistics
- ENTR 203 Data Analysis for Problem Solving (New Fall 2021)
- HONR 203 Honors Mathematics and Quantitative Skills
- MATH 121 Introductory Concepts of Mathematics
- MATH 124 Algebra with Applications
- MATH 126 College Algebra
- MATH 128 Plane Trigonometry
- MATH 129 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- MATH 150 Applied Calculus
- MATH 153 Calculus 1a with Precalculus
- MATH 154 Calculus 1b with Precalculus
- MATH 155 Calculus 1
- MATH 156 Calculus 2
- PHIL 260 Introduction to Symbolic Logic
- STAT 111 Understanding Statistics
- STAT 211 Elementary Statistical Inference
- STAT 215 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
F4. Society & Connections (3 credits)
- A&VS 275 Companion Animal Science
- ADV 201 Advertising and Society
- ADV 215 Principles of Advertising
- AGEE 220 Group Organization and Leadership
- ARE 150 Introductory Agricultural and Agribusiness Economics
- ARE 220 Introductory Environmental and Resource Economics
- BIOL 122 Human Sexuality
- BUSA 101 Introduction to Business (New Fall 2022)
- BUSA 201 Survey of Economics
- CDFS 110 Families Across the Life Span
- CDFS 112 Introduction to Marriage and Family
- COMM 102 Human Communication in the Interpersonal Context
- COMM 105 Introduction to the Mass Media
- COMM 112 Small Group Communication
- COMM 122 Human Communication in Contemporary Society
- COMM 306 Human Communication in Organizations and Institutions
- COMM 308 Nonverbal Communication
- COMM 309 Health Communication
- COUN 230 Life Choices
- CRIM 232 Criminology (New Fall 2021 - Replaces SOCA 232)
- DISB 304 Special Education in Contemporary Society
- DSGN 280 Sustainable Design and Development
- ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
- ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 401 Managerial Economics (WVU Tech Campus Only)
- GEOG 205 Natural Resources
- HN&F 126 Society and Food
- HONR 204 Society and Connections
- LING 101 Introduction to Language
- MDIA 101 Media and Society
- MDIA 201 Media Literacy
- MDIA 279: Introduction to Documentary Film (New Fall 2023)
- MDS 270 Effective Public Speaking (Formerly taught as WVUE 270 prior to Fall 2022)
- MILS 101 Military Science
- MILS 102 Military Science
- MILS 201 Military Science
- MILS 202 Military Science
- MUSC 151 Hip Hop Nation
- PHIL 314 Philosophy of Sex and Gender
- PLSC 105 Plants and People: Past and Present
- POLS 102 Introduction to American Government
- POLS 210 Law and the Legal System
- POLS 220 State and Local Government
- POLS 373 American Political Philosophy
- PR 215 Introduction to Public Relations
- PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 241 Introduction to Human Development
- PSYC 251 Introduction to Social Psychology
- PUBH 101 Introduction to Public and Community Health
- SEP 271 Sport in American Society
- SEP 272 Psychological Perspectives of Sport
- SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (New Fall 2021 - Replaces SOCA 101)
- SOC 221 Families and Society (New Fall 2021 - Replaces SOCA 221)
- SOWK 105 Social Welfare Institutions
- SPED 304 Special Education in Contemporary Society
- SUST 202: Just Sustainable Development (New Fall 2023)
- ULIB 301 Gender and the Research Process (New Fall 2022)
- ULIB 302 Research for Non-Profits
- USAF 131 Foundations of United States Air Force 1
- USAF 132 Foundations of United States Air Force 2
- USAF 251 Air and Space Power 1
- UTCH 221 Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science
F5. Human Inquiry & the Past (3 credits)
- ADRC 102 Adventure in Society
- ANTH 258 Introduction to Archaeology (New Fall 2021 - Replaces SOCA 258)
- CLAS 231 Greek & Roman Civilizatn Cultr
- CLAS 232 Greek And Roman Myths
- COMM 104 Public Communication
- ENGR 140 Engineering in History
- EXPH 235 Introduction to Global Issues in Exercise Physiology
- FCLT 240 Italian-American Experience
- FNRS 100 Forest Resources in United States History (Formerly WDSC 100 prior to Fall 2022)
- HIST 101 Western Civilization: Antiquity to 1600
- HIST 102 Western Civilization: 1600 to Present
- HIST 104 Latin America: Past and Present
- HIST 152 Growth of the American Nation to 1865
- HIST 153 Making of Modern America: 1865 to the Present
- HIST 203 Introduction to Medieval Europe
- HIST 204 Renaissance and Reformation
- HIST 205 Absolutism & Enlightenment
- HIST 207 Revolutionary Europe
- HIST 209 Twentieth Century Europe
- HIST 210 Modern Military History
- HIST 221 History of Modern Germany
- HIST 241 Latin America: Culture, Conquest, Colonization
- HIST 242 Latin America: Reform and Revolution
- HIST 257 Antebellum America: 1781-1861
- HIST 259 The United States: 1865-1918
- HIST 261 Recent America: The United States since 1918
- HIST 264 American Indian History
- HIST 277 Revolutions-Science/Technology (WVU Tech Campus Only)
- HN&F 350 Cross-Cultural Cuisine and HN&F 350L (HN&F 350L added as corequisite in Fall 2022)
- HONR 205 Human Inquiry and the Past
- HONR 210 City-As-Text-Morgantown
- HUM 112 Humanities of Greece
- MATH 218 History of Mathematics
- MATH 318 Perspectives on Mathematics and Science
- PET 101 Games in American Culture
- PHIL 100 Problems of Philosophy
- PHIL 130 Current Moral Problems
- PHIL 140 Historical Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 170 Introduction to Critical Reasoning
- PHIL 212 Philosophy of Sport
- PHIL 244 History of Ancient Philosophy
- PHIL 248 History of Modern Philosophy
- PHIL 301 Metaphysics
- PHIL 302 Theory of Knowledge
- PHIL 306 Philosophy of Mind
- PHIL 308 Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 310 Philosophy of Science
- PHIL 315 Free Will and Moral Responsibility
- PHIL 321 Ethical Theory
- PHIL 323 Social and Political Philosophy
- PHIL 325 Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 331 Health Care Ethics
- PHIL 346 History of Ethics
- PHIL 351 Topics in Medieval Philosophy
- PHIL 354 Themes in Continental Philosophy
- PHIL 355 Existentialism
- RELG 219 The History of Christianity
- RELG 222 Origins of Judaism
- RELG 223 Christianity in America
- RELG 303 Studies in Christian Scripture
- RELG 304 Studies in Hebrew Scriptures
- SOWK 151: Introduction to Social Work (New Fall 2023)
- WMAN 100 The Tradition of Hunting
F6. The Arts & Creativity (3 credits)
- ARHS 101 Landmarks of World Art
- ARHS 120 Survey of Art History 1
- ARHS 160 Survey of Art History 2
- ARHS 382 Architect Frank Lloyd Wright
- ARHS 388 The Art of Andy Warhol
- ART 109S Basic Drawing 1 for Non-Majors (S added to ART 109 beginning Fall 2022)
- ART 110S Basic Drawing 2 for Non Majors (S added to ART 110 beginning Fall 2022)
- COMM 305 Appreciation of the Motion Picture
- DANC 170 Introduction to Dance
- ENGL 131 Poetry and Drama
- ENGL 132 Short Story and Novel
- ENGL 154 African American Literature
- ENGL 156 Literature of Native America
- ENGL 170 Literature of Minds and Selves
- ENGL 171 Literature of Science and Nature
- ENGL 172 Literature of the Human Body
- ENGL 180 Literature of Love, Sex, and Gender
- ENGL 212 Creative Writing: Fiction
- ENGL 213 Creative Writing: Poetry
- ENGL 214 Creative Writing: Non-Fiction
- ENGL 230 Film Studies
- ENGL 232 Poetry
- ENGL 233 The Short Story
- ENGL 234 Drama
- ENGL 235 Novel
- ENGL 236 The Bible as Literature
- ENGL 238 Literature of Place
- ENGL 241 American Literature 1
- ENGL 242 American Literature 2
- ENGL 251 American Folklore and Culture
- ENGL 252 Appalachian Fiction
- ENGL 254 African American Literature
- ENGL 255 Multiethnic Literature
- ENGL 257 Science Fiction and Fantasy
- ENGL 258 Popular American Culture
- ENGL 261 British Literature 1
- ENGL 262 British Literature 2
- ENGL 263 Shakespeare 1
- ENGL 272 Modern Literature
- ENGL 273 Contemporary Literature
- ENGL 277 Reading Publics: Exploring the Humanities in Public Places
- ENGL 285 Images of Women in Literature
- FCLT 250 Russian Fairy Tales
- FCLT 280 Science Fiction: East and West
- FCLT 281 Vampire: Blood and Revolution
- FCLT 310 Chinese Cinema
- FCLT 321 Gods and Heroes of Nordic Mythology
- FCLT 380 Holocaust: Eastern Europe Film and Literature
- FCLT 381 Contemporary Polish Cinema
- FCLT 382 Polish Cinema: Kieslowski
- FILM 101 The Art of Film 1
- FILM 102 The Art of Film 2
- FLIT 216 Chinese Literature Translation 1
- FLIT 217 Chinese Literature in Translation 2
- FLIT 235 French Literature in Translation 1
- FLIT 236 French Literature in Translation 2
- FLIT 238 African Women Writers
- FLIT 239 Francophone Literature in Translation
- FLIT 240 Italian Women Writers
- FLIT 256 Russian Literature Translation 1
- FLIT 257 Russian Literature Translation 2
- FLIT 266 Latin American Literature
- FLIT 285 Brazilian Literature Translation
- FLIT 316 Arab Women Writers
- HIST 375 Hollywood and History
- HONR 206 Arts and Creativity
- HUM 101 Introduction to Western Civilization 1
- HUM 102 Introduction to Western Civilization 2
- HUM 106 Promethean Myth, Modern Arts
- HUM 107 The Humanities of Egypt
- HUM 109 The Italian Renaissance
- LARC 212 History of Landscape Architecture
- MDIA 245: Intro to Screenwriting (New Fall 2023)
- MUSC 111 Introduction to Music
- MUSC 112 Great Composers in Performance
- MUSC 113 Twentieth Century American Pop Music
- MUSC 114 Music in the Modern Age
- MUSC 115 Introduction to History of Jazz
- MUSC 118 Music in Appalachia
- MUSC 120 History of Musical Theatre
- MUSC 270 History of Western Musical Traditions 1
- MUSC 271 History of Western Musical Traditions 2
- PHIL 147 Philosophy and Film
- PSYC 233 Psychology of Cinema
- SPAN 331 Early Spanish American Literature
- SPAN 332 Modern Spanish American Literature
- THET 101 Introduction to the Theatre
- THET 102 Acting
- THET 144S Fundamentals of Acting (S added to THET 144 beginning Fall 2022)
- THET 301 History of Western Theatre
- WGST 150 Women in Movies
- WGST 215 African Women Writers
F7. Global Studies & Diversity (3 credits)
- ACE 215 Sport for the Exceptional Athlete
- AGEE 101 Global Food and Agricultural Industry
- ANTH 105 Introduction to Anthropology (New Fall 2021 - Replaces SOCA 105)
- ASP 220 Introduction to Africana Studies
- CHIN 101 First Year Chinese 1
- CHIN 102 First Year Chinese 2
- CHIN 203 Second Year Chinese 1
- CHIN 204 Second Year Chinese 2
- COMM 212 Gender and Communication
- COMM 315 American Diversity in Film
- COMM 316 Intercultural Communication
- CSAD 280 Communication Disorder in Film
- DISB 380 Disability and the Family
- DISB 385 Disability and Society
- DSGN 140 Sustainable Living
- ENGL 226 Non-Western World Cultures
- ENGL 286 World Fairy Tales
- FCLT 161 The Many Latin Americas
- FCLT 206 Intro to Japanese Culture
- FCLT 210 Chinese Civilization and Culture
- FCLT 260 Cultures of Mexico
- FCLT 306 Japanese Culture and Cinema
- FRCH 100 Intensive Elementary French
- FRCH 101 Elementary French 1
- FRCH 102 Elementary French 2
- FRCH 200 Intensive Intermediate French
- FRCH 203 Intermediate French 1
- FRCH 204 Intermediate French 2
- FRCH 301 Language through Civilization
- GEOG 102 World Regions
- GEOG 108 Human Geography
- GEOG 243 Geography of Africa
- GEOG 244 Geography of the Middle East
- GER 101 Introduction to German Language and Culture 1
- GER 102 Introduction to German Language and Culture 2
- GER 203 Intermediate German 1: The German-Speaking World
- GER 204 Intermediate German 2: Life in Germany
- GERO 212 Introduction to Gerontology
- HIST 105 The Middle East
- HIST 106 East Asia: An Introduction
- HIST 179 World History to 1500
- HIST 180 World History Since 1500
- HIST 217 History of Russia to 1917
- HIST 218 History of Russia: 1900-Present
- HIST 225 Modern South Asia
- HIST 281 Peasants to Agribusiness: History and Problems of Modern Agriculture
- HONR 207 Global Studies and Diversity
- ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1
- ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2
- ITAL 203 Intermediate Italian 1
- ITAL 204 Intermediate Italian 2
- JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese 1
- JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese 2
- JAPN 203 Intermediate Japanese 1
- JAPN 204 Intermediate Japanese 2
- MUSC 116 Music in World Cultures
- MUSC 477 Music of Africa
- NAS 200 Introduction: Native American Studies
- PLSC 140 Sustainable Living (New Fall 2021)
- POLS 103 Global Political Issues
- POLS 250 Introduction to Comparative Politics
- POLS 260 Introduction to International Relations
- POLS 337 Gender/Politics and Policy
- POLS 351 Russian and Post-Soviet Politics
- POLS 355 Governments of Latin America
- POLS 361 International Law and Institutions
- PSYC 232 Sex Roles and Behavior
- PSYC 281 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
- PUBH 201 Global Perspectives of Public Health
- RELG 102 Introduction to World Religions
- RELG 231 Religions of China and Japan
- RELG 232 History and Practice of Islam
- RELG 301 Studies in Asian Scriptures
- RESM 140 Sustainable Living
- RPTR 255 Adventure New Zealand: Wilderness Leadership in an International Context
- RPTR 353 Sustainable Tourism in Patagonia
- RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1
- RUSS 102 Elementary Russian 2
- RUSS 203 Intermediate Russian 1
- RUSS 204 Intermediate Russian 2
- SEP 373 African Americans in Sports
- SM 275 The Olympic Games
- SM 375 Sport in the Global Market
- SOC 207 Social Problems in Contemporary America (New Fall 2021 - Replaces SOCA 207)
- SOC 235 Race and Ethnic Relations (New Fall 2021 - Replaces SOCA 235)
- SOWK 147 Human Diversity
- SPAN 100 Intensive Elementary Spanish
- SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1
- SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2
- SPAN 200 Intensive Intermediate Spanish
- SPAN 203 Intermediate Spanish 1
- SPAN 204 Intermediate Spanish 2
- SPAN 330 Latin American Culture
- SPAN 340 Culture of Spain
- SUST 102: Global Sustainability (New Fall 2023)
- THET 170 World Theatre and Drama
- WGST 170 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
- WGST 225 Women in Appalachia
- WGST 250 Women in Science
- WGST 260 Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
- WGST 340 Gender and Violence
- WGST 345 Women in International Development
- WMAN 150 Principles of Conservation Ecology
F8. Focus (9 credits)
- Minor (
Minors offered at WVU Morgantown)
( Minors offered at WVU Tech) - Double major
- Dual degree
- 9 credits of additional coursework from the list of courses approved for GEF Areas 2-7 Students are expected to work with their advisors to ensure completion of the Focus. Students completing three minors as part of a MDS program must satisfy the Focus by completing 9 additional credits of GEF coursework, or a fourth minor.