WDSC 100 Forest Resources in United States History
WMAN 100 The Tradition of Hunting
F6. The Arts & Creativity (3 credits)
ARHS 101 Landmarks of World Art
ARHS 120 Survey of Art History 1
ARHS 160 Survey of Art History 2
ARHS 181 World Architecture 4: 1850-Present
ARHS 382 Architect Frank Lloyd Wright
ARHS 388 The Art of Andy Warhol
ART 109 Basic Drawing 1 for Non-Majors
ART 110 Basic Drawing 2 for Non Majors
COMM 305 Appreciation of the Motion Picture
DANC 170 Introduction to Dance
ENGL 131 Poetry and Drama
ENGL 132 Short Story and Novel
ENGL 154 African American Literature
ENGL 156 Literature of Native America
ENGL 170 Literature of Minds and Selves
ENGL 171 Literature of Science and Nature
ENGL 172 Literature of the Human Body
ENGL 180 Literature of Love, Sex, and Gender
ENGL 212 Creative Writing: Fiction
ENGL 213 Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL 214 Creative Writing: Non-Fiction
ENGL 225 Western World Literature
ENGL 226 Non-Western World Literature
ENGL 230 Film Studies
ENGL 232 Poetry
ENGL 233 The Short Story
ENGL 234 Drama
ENGL 235 Novel
ENGL 236 The Bible as Literature
ENGL 238 Literature of Place
ENGL 241 American Literature 1
ENGL 242 American Literature 2
ENGL 251 American Folklore and Culture
ENGL 252 Appalachian Fiction
ENGL 254 African American Literature
ENGL 255 Multiethnic Literature
ENGL 257 Science Fiction and Fantasy
ENGL 258 Popular American Culture
ENGL 261 British Literature 1
ENGL 262 British Literature 2
ENGL 263 Shakespeare 1
ENGL 272 Modern Literature
ENGL 273 Contemporary Literature
ENGL 277 Reading Publics: Exploring the Humanities in Public Places
ENGL 285 Images of Women in Literature
FCLT 206 Introduction to Japanese Culture
FCLT 240 Italian-American Experience
FCLT 250 Russian Fairy Tales
FCLT 280 Science Fiction: East and West
FCLT 281 Vampire: Blood and Revolution
FCLT 310 Chinese Cinema
FCLT 321 Gods and Heroes of Nordic Mythology
FCLT 380 Holocaust: Eastern Europe Film and Literature
FCLT 381 Contemporary Polish Cinema
FCLT 382 Polish Cinema: Kieslowski
FILM 101 The Art of Film 1
FILM 102 The Art of Film 2
FLIT 135 Introduction to French Literature
FLIT 216 Chinese Literature Translation 1
FLIT 217 Chinese Literature in Translation 2
FLIT 235 French Literature in Translation 1
FLIT 236 French Literature in Translation 2
FLIT 238 African Women Writers
FLIT 239 Francophone Literature in Translation
FLIT 240 Italian Women Writers
FLIT 256 Russian Literature Translation 1
FLIT 257 Russian Literature Translation 2
FLIT 266 Latin American Literature
FLIT 285 Brazilian Literature Translation
FLIT 316 Arab Women Writers
FLIT 360 Discovering Mesoamerica
FRCH 301 Language Through Civilization
FRCH 421 Survey of Literature 1
HONR 206 Arts and Creativity
HUM 101 Introduction to Western Civilization 1
HUM 102 Introduction to Western Civilization 2
HUM 106 Promethean Myth, Modern Arts
HUM 107 The Humanities of Egypt
HUM 109 The Italian Renaissance
LARC 212 History of Landscape Architecture
MUSC 111 Introduction to Music
MUSC 112 Great Composers in Performance
MUSC 113 Twentieth Century American Pop Music
MUSC 114 Music in the Modern Age
MUSC 115 Introduction to History of Jazz
MUSC 120 History of Musical Theatre
MUSC 270 History of Western Musical Traditions 1
MUSC 271 History of Western Musical Traditions 2
PHIL 147 Philosophy and Film
PSYC 233 Psychology of Cinema
SPAN 331 Early Spanish American Literature
SPAN 332 Modern Spanish American Literature
THET 101 Introduction to the Theatre
THET 102 Acting
THET 144 Fundamentals of Acting
THET 170 World Theatre and Drama
THET 301 History of Western Theatre
ULIB 300 Film and Media Literacy
WGST 150 Women in Movies
WGST 215 African Women Writers
F7. Global Studies & Diversity (3 credits)
ACE 215 Sport for Exceptional Athlete
AGEE 101 Global Food and Agricultural Industry
ASP 220 Introduction to Africana Studies
CHIN 101 First Year Chinese 1
CHIN 102 First Year Chinese 2
CHIN 203 Second Year Chinese 1
CHIN 204 Second Year Chinese 2
COMM 212 Gender and Communication
COMM 315 American Diversity in Film
COMM 316 Intercultural Communication
COMM 317 Communication and Aging
CSAD 280 Communication Disorder in Film
DISB 380 Disability and the Family
DISB 385 Disability and Society
DSGN 140 Sustainable Living
FCLT 161 The Many Latin Americas
FCLT 210 Chinese Civilization and Culture
FCLT 260 Cultures of Mexico
FCLT 306 Japanese Culture and Cinema
FCLT 460 Sexuality and Gender in Hispanic Cinema
FRCH 100 Intensive Elementary French
FRCH 101 Elementary French 1
FRCH 102 Elementary French 2
FRCH 200 Intensive Intermediate French
FRCH 203 Intermediate French 1
FRCH 204 Intermediate French 2
GEOG 102 World Regions
GEOG 108 Human Geography
GEOG 243 Geography of Africa
GEOG 244 Geography of the Middle East
GER 101 Introduction to German Language and Culture 1
GER 102 Introduction to German Language and Culture 2
GER 203 Intermediate German 1: The German-Speaking World
GER 204 Intermediate German 2: Life in Germany
GERO 212 Introduction to Gerontology
HIST 105 The Middle East
HIST 106 East Asia: An Introduction
HIST 179 World History to 1500
HIST 180 World History Since 1500
HIST 218 History of Russa: 1900-Present
HIST 225 Modern South Asia
HIST 281 Peasants to Agribusiness: History and Problems of Modern Agriculture
HONR 207 Global Studies and Diversity
ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1
ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2
ITAL 203 Intermediate Italian 1
ITAL 204 Intermediate Italian 2
JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese 1
JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese 2
JAPN 203 Intermediate Japanese 1
JAPN 204 Intermediate Japanese 2
MUSC 116 Music in World Cultures
MUSC 477 Music of Africa
NAS 200 Introduction: Native American Studies
PLSC 140 Sustainable Living
POLS 103 Global Political Issues
POLS 250 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLS 260 Introduction to International Relations
POLS 337 Gender/Politics and Policy
POLS 351 Russian and Post-Soviet Politics
POLS 355 Governments of Latin America
POLS 361 International Law and Institutions
PORT 101 Elementary Portuguese 1
PORT 102 Elementary Portuguese 2
PORT 203 Intermediate Portuguese 1
PORT 204 Intermediate Portuguese 2
PSYC 232 Sex Roles and Behavior
PSYC 281 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
RELG 102 Introduction to World Religions
RELG 231 Religions of China and Japan
RELG 232 History and Practice of Islam
RELG 301 Studies in Asian Scriptures
RELG 302 Studies in Islamic Scriptures
RESM 140 Sustainable Living
RPTR 255 Adventure New Zealand: Wilderness Leadership in an International Context
RPTR 353 Sustainable Tourism in Patagonia
RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1
RUSS 102 Elementary Russian 2
RUSS 203 Intermediate Russian 1
RUSS 204 Intermediate Russian 2
SEES 101 Introduction to Slavic and Eastern European Studies
SEP 373 African Americans in Sports
SM 275 The Olympic Games
SM 375 Sport in the Global Market
SOCA 105 Introduction to Anthropology
SOCA 207 Social Problems in Contemporary America
SOCA 235 Race and Ethnic Relations
SOCA 351 Traditional and Changing Africa
SOWK 147 Human Diversity
SPAN 100 Intensive Elementary Spanish
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2
SPAN 200 Intensive Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 203 Intermediate Spanish 1
SPAN 204 Intermediate Spanish 2
SPAN 330 Latin American Culture
SPAN 340 Culture of Spain
WGST 170 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
WGST 225 Women in Appalachia
WGST 250 Women in Science
WGST 260 Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
WGST 340 Gender and Violence
WGST 345 Women in International Development
WMAN 150 Principles of Conservation Ecology
F8. Focus (9 credits)
Minor (link to minors available)
Double major
Dual degree
9 credits of additional coursework from the list of courses approved for GEF Areas
2-7 Students are expected to work with their advisors to ensure completion of
the Focus. Students completing three minors as part of a MDS program must satisfy
the Focus by completing 9 additional credits of GEF coursework, or a fourth minor.